
New Issues Of Al-Qaeda In Yemen Journal

Since July al-Qaeda in Yemen has not released its monthly journal, Sada al-Malahim (The Echo of Glorious Battles).  This period of silence included the September attack on the U.S. embassy, which made it hard to confirm if al-Qaeda in Yemen had carried it out. Now the group has published issues 5 and 6 of Sada al-Malahim with apologies for the delay “due to technical matters.”  Issue 5 includes the following titles: “Exclusive Interview With Brother Ghrayb al-Taizi” “Call To Assist Somalia” “Lessons From The Tarim Operation” Issue 6 includes: “Lessons From The Embassy Operation” “Status Of The Embassy Employees” “Why The Embassy?” “The Al-Furqan Raid,” an official statement from AQ in Yemen on the embassy bombing “The Just Punishment,” an official AQY statement on the assasination of Muhammad b. Rabish Document (Arabic): 11-9-08-faloja-issues-5-and-6-of-sada-al-malahim

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Issue 3 Of Qadaya Jihadiyya

Issue 3 of Qadaya Jihadiyya is out.  As I’ve said in the past, it’s the slickest of the Jihadi journals.  But this issue is a little thin on original content, indicating that the editors are facing the typical, new journal problem–waning contributions.   Still, the original content looks interesting as it’s all focused on the global economic turmoil:   “Did Bin Laden’s Investment In America Payoff?” (in the “strategic issues” section) “Russia Calls For A New International Economic Order, Freed From American Control” “The Enemy’s Media Creates Confusion To Hide Total Collapse And Humiliating Defeat” “The Serpent’s Head Without Capitalism” (the title is an Arabic pun that doesn’t translate well)   If anyone wants to summarize one or more of the articles, I’ll happily post it up under your name or pseudonym. Document (Arabic): 11-6-08-hesbah-issue-3-of-qadaya-jihadiyya

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Jihadi Reactions To Election Of Obama

Reaction from the members of Hesbah, the last of the top-tier Jihadi sites to remain open: Abu Ahmad al-Salafi: “The election of this black man to the Black House will improve the image of the New Rome in the eyes of the world.  Al-Faruq `Umar [the second caliph] was right when he said that Rome is the fastest to recover after a catastrophe.  That’s what has happened with the election of this black man.” Al Hakim: “Today America elected Obama because al-Qaeda wanted it, after God desired it!  In 2004 America elected Bush because al-Qaeda had wanted it, after God desired it!” Abu Ahmad al-Salafi: “I think the election of McCain would have been more beneficial and useful to the Muslims than this black slave.  This Christian is a fanatical supporter of the Jews and (his election) will raise the market shares of Western democratic capitalism (even though it is)

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New Issue of Urdu-Language Jihadi Journal

[by Chipotle Mystery]    Issue 3 of Hittin, an Urdu-language Jihadi journal, has been released.  The issue includes: short reports on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan a eulogy of Mullah Dadullah, a major Taliban commander who was killed in May of 2007 several articles that refer to the Red Mosque incident a collection of quotes from notable jihadi figures (e.g. Mullah Omar, Usama bin Laden, and Zawahiri) that is presented as inspirational advice for leaders an article on “methods” for engaging in jihad by the “Center for the Islamic Studies”   It’s telling that although this issue was published recently, it focuses on events that occurred in the middle of 2007.  There is also older material.  For example, this issue has a fatwa issued by Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai in 2001 that justifies attacks on American soldiers in Afghanistan (he had issued a similar fatwa

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Jihadi Media Materials Under Attack On Archive.Org

Hafid b. Ladin, a member of the Hesbah forum, complained last week that links to Jihadi media material on Internet Archive (www.archive.org) are under attack.  For those of you who do’t follow the forums, media materials are not uploaded directly to the forum servers but rather to third-party sites; the links are then posted to the forums.  As Aaron and Marisa have observed in the past, the third-party site of preference has been archive.org.  But now, according to Hafid, the material is being removed, which he considers to be part of the larger action against the Jihadi presence online: All of you know of the attacks and strikes that the jihadi media has been subjected to, beginning with the targeting of jihadi forums and ending with the deletion of links for materials which have the scent of “terrorism.”  The supporters of jihadi media have exerted great effort to overcome many

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