Is this the most successful release of a jihadist video ever? Part 2 The release of صليل الصوارم الرابع
As we outlined in a brief analysis in our first post, Ali Fisher and I will head into a more deeper analysis of our findings regarding the release of “The Clanging of the Swords, part 4”. In the next posting we will discuss and analyse the most important accounts that we will introduce in this part. We do stress, however, that the reader should keep in mind that one of the key phenoma of jihadi Twitter activism in Syria is that most users engaged online are using mainly mobile platforms. This accounts for people inside Syria as much as outside – the preferred device to interact and Tweets are devices running Android followed by iPhone, as we had detailed in this graph in the last post. This shows that word of the video on YouTube, and was spread using a range of different digital technologies, but mainly mobile devices.