I’d like to draw our readers’ attention to several interesting new academic publications have come out in the past few weeks:
Nelly Lahoud – In Search of Philosopher-Jihadis: Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi’s Jihadi Philosophy
A Aaron Weisburd – Comparison of Visual Motifs in Jihadi and Cholo Videos on YouTube
Stig Jarle Hansen and Atle Mesøy – The Muslim Brotherhood in the Wider Horn of Africa
Although not central to the Jihadica portfolio, I also strongly recommend the following indispensable contributions to the AfPak debate.
Marc Sageman – Confronting al-Qaeda: Understanding the Threat in Afghanistan
Nir Rosen – Something from Nothing
Yours truly also has a new article out, entitled Jihad, Yes, But Not Revolution: Explaining the Extraversion of Islamist Violence in Saudi Arabia